#doingthings #november
- went out to do some parkour training for the first time in months
- just bought a new phone. I hate buying things, and my phone has sucked for a while, and I'm finally fixing this
- learned more about orange's life under the guise of getting business advice
- finished watching The Century of Self and got a bunch of great leads for more investigation
- finally got an acro staff!
- phone arrived!
- I've wanted this book [Tales of the San Francisco Cacophony Society] for a while!
- did another thing!
- had a "cool" call with @mattgoldenberg
- cancelled a walk with someone and said "yeah, just sorta vaguely tired and don't wanna" instead of making an excuse
- Made a DIY tvns setup. Set up another regular inner-work buddy. Met with another volunteer to edit course videos.
- just booked a regular virtual workout buddy
- Set up time to go through SICP with a friend
- Did a workout with my workout buddy
- another session with janky tvns prototype
- another round of take edibles and process addictions
- Sent out email to start new cohort for my course. Figured out that my hesitance was around not feeling it would be effective with my new mode, so added free coaching for everyone.
- Decided I wanted to ask @theorangealt if he wants to have a call because that sounds nice
- Scheduled another 72 hour fast for next week with fasting buddies
- Set up affiliate webinars with Chris
- great mutual therapy session with inner-work buddy
- made a slightly less janky version of my tvns rig
- call with @theorangealt
- Finished another 72 hour food & twitter fast
- Created experimental meal plan to aid in nutrition and weight loss
- Great workout, started new meal plan
- two awesome inner-work buddy sessions. Made some progress around feeling threatened by people who are more useful than me.
- Finished first pass for all transcripts and videos. Ready for upload!
- Introduced friends who ostensibly may not have clicked (they actually seemed to really enjoyed each other)
- Hit a lull in the conversations at the cafe and didn't decide to end the interaction right then, ended up hanging for another few hours and walking around
- Had a friend from twitter stay with me. All kinds of good.
- Started taking twitter much more seriously. Great fun and connection and dopamine ensues.
- Offered for said twitter friend to return and be my roommate. Seems likely to come to fruition.
- got the 1976 Honda that I've been working on roadworthy, after years of on and off spare time wrenching on it
- of course the DMV is shut down so can't get plates right now but whatevs
- put together side panels for a raised garden bed. (this will be a tall one)
- then went to the beach (is fucking cold tho)
- planked some salmons
- got the project tuned up: valves, points, carb sync. the thing doesn't like to cold start, but I'm gonna see if it wants to tomorrow morning
- but it's idling at 1100 without stalling, whereas previously it would only idle at like 3000
- got the generator / battery charger setup working on my partner's narrowboat to tide us over until the engine is running again
- joined this chat because i want to be an online weirdo rather than a passive consumer of online weirdos
- Journalled in Evernote for the third day in a row (feels great to get back to regular journaling)
- Also created a learning log notebook with different sub-sections, and wrote down some notes on diet and exercise. Will ask dad to borrow his weights so that I can do strength-training at home
- Threw out my beloved boots that had holes in them and were past their due-date
- Interviewed gran about personal experiences of Swedish social policy (for school, but was fun)
- Had a call with Artyom
- did heaps of studying and it's looking like I will make my first mom-friend soon (going on a walk together today)
- She wants to go on more walks, yay
- I listened to my body when it said stop working
- acted like responsible adult consultant and finished tasks
- also drew boundaries about my time and did not get pressured by client into compromising my schedule
- also happy that i am happy
- wow so many happy things now that i am noticing. i just set up my Board based on Artyom’s post. i was meaning to do this for 20 days but for some reason today is the day i did it
- Decided to buy robes and walk around in it even if I look weird
- today i helped marras instead of marras helping me!
- i had to notice and offer help actively. no one was going to invite me
- Allowing people to cancel calls with me without guilt!
- Practising never doing anything I don't feel like
- Got 20 likes on tweet
- Sometimes external validation feels good
- Even though it mostly seems to have to do with the timing of the tweet rather than quality
- Goddamn americans
- Cried. Didn't think a twitter mutual I found a couple days ago could make me feel that
- took 8 hours to do a 1 hour job but did it
- told many people to hug themselves to sleep
- surprised by how meaningful that is to me :)
- Feeling lonely because no one DMing me
- Acknowledging this in chat somehow makes me more ok with this
- Made a group DM for talking about what good things we are doing
- The light just went out in the apartment, immediately wrote the host and asked if there any spare lightbulbs here
- Stopped working on Thursdays — tomorrow will be the third or fourth Thursday when I don’t work
- Told my sister she can use Brick to publish lists of students who signed various anti-government petitions, and now Brick is getting significant pageviews thanks to this
- (Google Docs shows the doc owner and you can’t hide it)
- Did gym the proper way — bought workout clothes and shoes, brought water
- I used to think buying clothes was a terrible ordeal, now I’m like “okay, so I have to do it and spend all this money, so I will”
- Scheduled another gym session. I started liking scheduling things in advance more and more
- Bought fruit because I want to eat more fruit
- Usually I don’t buy fruit because you have to find a plastic bag in the shop, put things in it, go home, wash, peel, hands get dirty, ehhhh
- Ate an apple and really liked it
- And I have like three more apples left
- Had a call with a beginner designer about Brick, found out a bunch of things I already knew but this time maybe we'll change them
- Topped up the Swedish SIM card rather than buying a new card for Cyprus — was afraid it would take a lot of time and be tricky in some way, but it turned out to be easy despite not knowing Swedish much
- Spent an hour reading and not thinking about anything else I could be doing
- Want to do this more, want to have more time chunks where I know what I'll be doing
- Started deciding when exactly I have to leave for flights/etc in advance
- Used to have a lot of problems with "eh maybe I'll leave an hour before the flight" and then missing my flight, now I'm more careful
- Paid out an invoice *super quickly*, like in three minutes
- Went to a barber simply thanks to writing “go to a barber” in a calendar slot — this planning shit actually works, ha
- Had a call with Hazard
- Had a call with Andrey about adding onboarding and collaboration to Brick
- Said that I'm confused, out loud, instead of ignoring the feeling (re/ US election fraud)
- Sprained (?) my foot, found a doctor, asked if I can have an appointment today
- Actually went to a doctor for the first time in FOREVER, yay
- Also asked them if they can do a follow-up appointment at a different time than they suggested
- Had a call with @mattgoldenberg
- Ordered a nine-dishes set without knowing what I'll have to eat (used to be a scary thing because I'm picky, but not anymore)
- Went to the beach again, bought swimming goggles as well
- Ordered a new MacBook charger — the old one died
- Started an 'estimate predictions' table at work, it has three predictions already
- An employee will be attending English classes — I wanted it but it happened without my involvement at all 🎉
- Went to check my foot again, it took one minute and was free
- Tweeted about collaborative editing in Brick, “announce things early” and “work with garage door open” are taking hold
- Two fiction fleets
- DM-ing people about their fleets effortlessly
- Bought a book, scanned, uploaded to LibGen
- went outside to drink coffee instead of staying glued to the washing machine, even tho there were only 3min left till the wash was over
- made another half-year goal on main: I want to have a full-time job by June 1
- Explained the self-improvement board to an acquaintance, they might try the board too — surprisingly, talking to people directly works much better than tweeting at them
- Paid out another invoice in like five minutes
- Unexpected side-effect of going to the gym: easier not to buy chips because “why even go to the gym if I’m going to fuck up my body at the same time”
- Bought grapes and apples and bananas and I shall enjoy fruit for the next few days
- The consultant for brick.do performance has been hired, the contract has been signed, the money has been paid
- went to a random cafe and asked if I can use their bathroom
- asked an acquaintance “what do good managers do, in your experience?”
- scheduled time for a long walk, and went
- found a lab, did a vitamin D level blood test to know if I should keep supplementing (COVID-wise)
- Wrote to someone using Brick to publish their own recipes
- Announced the Brick Slack to all currently active users
- Learned some SQL thanks to having to do things with the Brick database
- Had a call with the current biggest client, we'll be doing 2x work for them and might get a year-long commitment, and in return they get a bit more discount
- Went to the gym despite knowing I’ll be late
- I explained something very very haphazardly, and for the first time in my life I feel like it’s a *good* thing — it means I’ve planted seeds for a bunch of connections that will grow later
- Had a call with another Brick customer
- Got parents to do a vit D test; possibly got sister to do a vit D test; once again talking to people in person beats tweeting
- Made a matchmaking form
- Apologized for being shit at sex a long time ago (it was weighing on me and preventing me from moving on)
- Went out of the shower, decided that I’m alright with the cold air, shouted “It’s cold out here and I’m alright” and indeed I am
- Broke a tooth, told someone I was on a call with (“btw huh I broke a tooth”), he told me that if it hurts I should get to a dentist as soon as possible. Called three dentists, have an appointment tomorrow.
- Booked tickets to Krakow