Top 5 Favourite Pizza Toppings

Crave pizza? You're in luck! Here's the top 5 toppings that'll hit the spot. Veggies, cheese, meat - something for everyone. Ready to take a bite? Let's go!

Why Is Pizza So Popular?

Although stories of flatbreads being enjoyed with various toppings can be found from as far back as the Egyptians, pizza as we would recognise it is thought to originate from simple flat bread dishes in Naples in the late 18th or early 19th Century. With a long and rich history, pizza has evolved, adapted and developed to become one of the most popular foods on a global scale.

Pizza’s rise to international stardom is evident with people from all walks of life being charmed by its unique flavour. This popularity can be attributed to many reasons.

An incredibly versatile meal, pizza can be easily customised with various toppings with a choice of different bases. It appeals to different diets and preferences and can now even be created as sweet or savoury to tantalise all taste buds.

Pizza is also seen as a convenient and delicious option for busy lifestyles. Enjoyed as a complete meal in a single package or as a small snack, it can be eaten on-the-go or shared with family and friends, by the slice or as a whole for those with a larger appetite.

Many pizza lovers also enjoy the social implications of sharing a slice; the act seen as bringing people together and becoming a common bond in different cultures. Pizza nights are often associated with celebrations and social get-togethers, where a sense of community is generated and an opportunity for friends and family to catch-up and spend time together is created.

Most Popular Pizza Toppings

Toppings are the key when it comes to taste and is often a very personal thing. 


The undisputed leader and all-round favourite topping has got to be pepperoni. Its spicy flavour and aroma always make it a winner.


Another meat laden pizza comes in at number two. These meat feasts can typically be seen with a mix of ham, pepperoni, pancetta, pork, sausage and even meatballs along with the usual trimmings. With so many ingredients, these pizzas really pack a meaty punch.


The classic margherita with melted cheese topping, may be considered plain and boring by some but is still a firm favourite worldwide. Its timeless appeal keeps the traditional pizza alive.


The rise of vegetarianism means that the vegetarian pizza is now a must on any plant based menu. The choice and flavour combinations are seemingly endless, if it tastes good then it’s fair game as a topping. Mushrooms, peppers, mozzarella, onions and olives are the most common, although spinach, figs and nuts have also been suggested in some circles.


The Hawaiian combines classic cheese, with ham or bacon, and, controversially, pineapple. While some pizza lovers are adamant that pineapple has no place on a pizza, others swear by the sweet and tangy combo.

These five toppings may feature as the favourites, but there are plenty of other options and flavour combinations. The beauty of pizzas is that anything goes, so experiment and customise your pizza according to your own spersonal preferences.

What About the Base?

Pizza is praised for its toppings, but what about the base? The foundation can make or break the taste. No amount of toppings can save a bad base. Let's explore the importance of the base and how it contributes.

The base is usually dough - thin and crispy or thick and fluffy, increasingly also seen with a flavourful stuffed crust. It's a canvas for the flavours. The right amount of chewiness and crispiness should be there. The dough is often seasoned with herbs and spices.

To make a perfect base, ingredients like Italian 00 flour, olive oil, salt, and water are used. Kneading can be done by hand or using a pizza dough mixer to create a smooth and elastic dough. It needs to rest and rise. Some pizzerias age their dough for days for more flavour.

Cooking the pizza is important too. Wood-fired ovens produce exceptional pizzas with great crusts. The heat allows the dough to cook quickly and create charred spots. Pizza stones in modern ovens can mimic a traditional brick oven.

Personal touch is there too. Every pizzaiolo has their own secret recipe or technique - adding honey or beer to the dough, for example. These secrets make their pizzas unique.

Although pizza can often kick off light hearted debates such as ‘Should pineapple ever feature on a pizza?’ or ‘Are sweet dessert pizzas even really pizzas?’ the enduring popularity still remains. Surprisingly, for a dish that offers so much personal choice with regards to dough base, topping and flavour options, it repeatedly manages to bring people together at mealtimes. 

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