The Willow Muse: Trades

See also: Considerations

By Zuri Pommerenck (2023)

1. Life drawing:

As I mentioned elsewhere on this website, I am also an artist and am in need of more practice! Since the great COVID lockdown of 2020, the opportunities for practice have dwindled. There were quite a few open figure drawing groups in Portland until 2019, at least two of which were queer-centered.

I would be interested in putting together another such group in the future but renting a venue can be challenging these days due to potential costs and insurance requirements.

In the meantime, I am open to trades, as in taking turns drawing each other. I'm interested in practicing more figure and portrait drawing! It is even better if it is an ongoing thing on a regular interval (every other week, once a month, etc.).

Details are to be negotiated, including time commitments and places. I have done this with a few artists, at their homes or even at a park! We could even grow it into a small group.

2.  TFP photos  

This is something I am still willing to do occasionally for emerging photographers who are getting into the art if their artistic visions are a good match for mine. I am very selective about this, but let's talk if you have an interesting project and are sincere about your art. 

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